Our Blog

Coach and Social

Here at Hopeworks professional development is one of the most crucial skills that a young adult will gain as a trainee or intern. We offer services such as Career Readiness Coaching to assist with academic requests and earning your High School Diploma along with other resources needed to become as successful as possible. You can gain a vast variety of soft skills such as presenting, mock interviewing, networking and more!

Alumna Speaking on Diversity in the Workplace

May 15, 2019
During this year's Philly Tech Week, several Hopeworks alumna were present and sat as panelists for Technical.ly’s “Introduced”  event. “Entering the Tech Field: Diversity in the Workplace After the First Year” was the session former Hopeworks intern, Calou Lowe, and former trainee, Naomi Maldonado, discussed their experiences as they entered their current jobs. Caloua who […]
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More Hopeworks Youth Moving on to Employment!

April 23, 2019
Hopeworks is proud to share that three more of our young people are moving on to employment as they leave Hopeworks! Johnathan Johnson, who worked as our Salesforce intern, has landed a job with Flow Development & Technology, working to help them achieve their goals!  Flow Development and Technology is a real-estate development and technology […]
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EPAM Builds Hope in Camden

March 19, 2019
A unique partnership between this global software company and Camden’s tech training nonprofit is changing lives now, and for the future. It all started with a phone call.  Anthony Conte, then CFO of EPAM, reached out to Hopeworks Camden, with a simple question -- “how can EPAM help?” The answer has allowed both Hopeworks and […]
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Trainee Hired at Mobile Learning Company

March 19, 2019
Hopeworks youth are busy this spring with so many new opportunities coming their way! Trainee, Chasity Medina, for instance was recently hired at WeScrimmage, a Mobile Learning App Company, and will be starting her new full-time internship this March. Chasity began the Hopeworks training program in August of 2018 and says that she was attracted […]
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Trainee Receives High School Diploma in Just Over 2 Months at Hopeworks

February 19, 2019
Current trainee Zachary Berry, joined Hopeworks in December of 2018. When he joined Hopeworks, he initially had doubts about the program and felt that the computer training would be overwhelming for him. He says that his real motivation for coming here was to receive his High School Diploma equivalency and not too soon after starting […]
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808 Market St.,
Camden, NJ 08102
(856) 365-4673
Hopeworks is a 501(c)(3) non-for-profit organization, EIN: 31-1660671.
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