A Hopeworks and Propel America Partnership = success for Quanahz and Michael!

September 23, 2020
Launched in 2019 in Southern New Jersey, Propel America is a multi-state nonprofit focused on empowering high school students with skills needed to transition into living-wage jobs. Sounds familiar, right?  With missions aligned, Hopeworks and Propel are working together to provide youth with access and resources needed to be successful in life. Quanahz Adams and Michael […]
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August 24, 2020
Not even COVID-19 could prevent the youth and staff of Hopeworks, PowerCorps PHL, and Rodriguez Consulting from launching their long-awaited infrastructure training program! Thanks to the support of Springpoint Partners, LLC’s Delta lane, youth from both Camden and Philadelphia have the opportunity to train and earn high-wage careers in the infrastructure industry. This unique partnership […]
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Friends in the Region Are Stepping up to Help Youth and Solve Systemic Problems!

June 22, 2020
The long term economic impact of the pandemic is not yet known and the nation continues to struggle to meet the promise of racial equality and justice.  Turmoil and uncertainty currently define the national spirit. But the region is stepping up to find solutions to the challenges that face many of Hopeworks youth while also […]
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January 23, 2020
Hopeworks and The Hummel Family Foundation announce that applications are now being accepted for the Camden Capacity Fund, a fund dedicated to helping nonprofits and small businesses in Camden get the web development, mapping and data analysis, and trauma-informed training help they need to increase their community impact. Applications will be accepted until February 28 […]
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Hopeworks Web Partners With Girl Develop It's UP Program

June 19, 2019
This month, Hopeworks Web Associate Hien Nguyen began giving back to the community with her new skills by volunteering with Girl Develop It’s Up Program to teach web development to incarcerated women! Hien is a teaching assistant in the program while their Hopeworks supervisor and Web Director, Billimarie Lubiano Robinson, is teaching coding in the […]
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EPAM Builds Hope in Camden

March 19, 2019
A unique partnership between this global software company and Camden’s tech training nonprofit is changing lives now, and for the future. It all started with a phone call.  Anthony Conte, then CFO of EPAM, reached out to Hopeworks Camden, with a simple question -- “how can EPAM help?” The answer has allowed both Hopeworks and […]
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Slalom Consulting and Hopeworks Camden Partnership

January 16, 2019
Throughout the months of December and January, visitors may notice some unfamiliar faces at Slalom’s Center City office -- a team of Camden youth, working on terminals right alongside highly-trained consulting professionals! The youth are not at Slalom for a tour, a mock interview, or a career day. Instead, thanks to the vision of Slalom’s […]
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Center for Family Services Internet Essentials Collab

December 14, 2018
In collaboration with Center for Family Services and Comcast Internet Essentials, Hopeworks was able to host a basic internet training program for community members at its facility. Annette Johnson, a Hopeworks youth, led the 2-week training. Annette was able to teach various modules such as typing, resume creation, internet safety, and job application submission. Her […]
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Subaru Day of Service was a Success!

May 16, 2018
Subaru has been a valued Community Partner of Hopeworks for several years now and we are so grateful to them for all their support and generosity throughout the years. On May 4th, 35 of Subaru’s IT employees spent the day at Hopeworks with our youth.  They also offered to help us in any way we […]
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Camden Coalition Professionalism Workshop

March 14, 2018
This week Hopeworks youth had the opportunity to meet at Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers for a few hours to learn about the importance of a professional resume and professionalism in the workplace, and they had professional headshots taken for their LinkedIn profiles. Professional attire and demeanor are very important in earning employment, and our […]
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808 Market St.,
Camden, NJ 08102
(856) 365-4673
Hopeworks is a 501(c)(3) non-for-profit organization, EIN: 31-1660671.
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