Partner shout out!

Penji’s Partnership With Hopeworks

Penji: An Invaluable Partner in Empowering the Community.

As an organization that focuses on empowering the youth to build strong futures, we’re always ready to team up with community partners who are working to achieve the same goals as we are. Penji is one of these organizations. 

A graphic design company that offers unlimited designs for a flat monthly rate, Penji takes pride in offering quality output for its clients. But what they do and stand for goes far beyond that. More than fame and profit, Penji works to create life-changing opportunities not only for its employees but for small businesses and nonprofits. 

Speaking of the Penji partnering with nonprofits, that's exactly how we're connected to this graphic design platform. Penji came to our attention because we admire the company's work - not only in delivering their product but also in changing the community. 

In fact, they let us have excellent design while at the same time keeping our focus where it belongs, which is our young people. Penji allows us to reliably and repeatedly have an exceptional design when we need it on our terms. 

“Easy and effective - those two words really sum up our experience with Penji,” our executive director Dan Rhoton said.

Thanks to Penji’s generosity in offering opportunities, one of our home-grown alumni has also landed a full-time job at the company. Thanks to the alumna’s impressive internship background at Hopeworks, it wasn’t hard for her to get into a reputable graphic design company like Penji. 

What Penji Does for Us

Thanks to Penji, we don't have to spend hours and resources to create graphic designs that allow us to reach out to the community. Even though we're not a "paying" client, their designers work just as hard for our projects. 

Moreover, they make sure that we have what we need right on schedule. Thanks to their designs, we can reach out better to our audience and encourage more young people to follow their dreams.

Empowering Youth

“It takes a village to raise a child,” so the proverb goes. This is an inspiring concept, but we believe that guiding young people should go beyond childhood. And so, we offer a more comprehensive version - it takes a community to empower the youth. 

As responsible citizens, we must help the youth reach their full potential. And it's up to us to pave the path that leads to their bright future so that they can do the same for the generation after them. Carrying out this mission can be tough, but we're happy to know that we're doing it alongside Penji - a company with a heart.

Learn more about Penji's services and products here.

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808 Market St.,
Camden, NJ 08102
(856) 365-4673
Hopeworks is a 501(c)(3) non-for-profit organization, EIN: 31-1660671.
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