Ashley Pena & Rosemary Irizarry Hired Full-Time at Ozitus International!

Rosemary and Ashley both came to Hopeworks a few years ago as high school students in a previous program called ‘Hope Through School.’ They both completed Hopeworks training, both earned internships, and quickly became important members of our GIS Team. It was through Hopeworks that Ashley and Rosie became very close friends and wonderful teammates; and coincidentally, just last month, they were both hired full-time, and at the same company!

Rosie is an SAU Analyst at Ozitus International and relies heavily on skills in ArcMap 10.1 that she learned right in our GIS Department at Hopeworks. Rosie says, “Hopeworks gave me a whole new view of the professional world. Hopeworks also taught me how to take care of myself in some of my hardest times.”

Ashley also uses the skills she has learned at Hopeworks in her job at Ozitus, as a Surveillance Technician and GIS Analyst. Ashley says the atmosphere at her new job is different from Hopeworks, but she is ready for the challenge of a new environment, saying “Hopeworks showed me to take opportunities, to reach out and have a voice as an individual and a professional; Hopeworks taught me that just because I may need help, it does not mean I am not capable.”

Although we all miss Ashley and Rosie, we are very excited for their blossoming careers and their interest in staying involved with Hopeworks through our Alumni Network.

September 3, 2024
"My Journey to GIS and How You Can Follow My Path" - Leea Kelly's Journey To A GIS Career

Several years ago, I was searching for restaurant jobs online with no clear direction, when a friend recommended Hopeworks. This nonprofit social enterprise is dedicated to training young adults in the technology fields that will propel them into living-wage careers. Before learning more about the Hopeworks program, I was skeptical that I would achieve success. […]

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September 3, 2024
Bree’s New Adventure as a Medical Assistant at Cooper!

Bree can take time to celebrate now, but her journey to success wasn’t always smooth sailing. Despite a long history of healthcare experience, job opportunities dried up, leaving her feeling lost. But Bree was determined to chart a new course, and refused to let setbacks define her. With unwavering dedication and a willingness to ask […]

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September 3, 2024
Hopeworks Award Recognition in 2024!

The work that we do here is centered around elevating the professional and personal lives of our young professionals, breaking the cycle of poverty, and placing amazing young adults in living wage permanent jobs! In the midst of doing that work, we are often recognized by publications, media, and other organizations. We truly appreciate any […]

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808 Market St.,
Camden, NJ 08102
(856) 365-4673
Hopeworks is a 501(c)(3) non-for-profit organization, EIN: 31-1660671.
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