Current trainee Zachary Berry, joined Hopeworks in December of 2018. When he joined Hopeworks, he initially had doubts about the program and felt that the computer training would be overwhelming for him. He says that his real motivation for coming here was to receive his High School Diploma equivalency and not too soon after starting the program, he did just that! After weeks of studying and preparing for the HiSET test (An alternative for GED), Zach was able to pass the test and will be receiving his diploma shortly. Zachary says that his academic success coaches went above and beyond to help him prepare for the exam in subjects such as reading and writing, math, social studies, and language arts. Zach admitted that although the test itself was not too difficult, he had some challenges along the way including having to retake certain sections and having to balance studying for the test, doing the training, and caring for his newborn son.
When asked how he felt about passing the exam, he said “I was so excited. It was a goal of mine for five years now. I had doubts that I would ever get it, but I ran into the right people in and outside of Hopeworks and they pushed me to complete it.”
Now that he has completed his biggest goal, Zach says that his next steps are to enhance his interview skills, build credit, and be a good role model to his son. Along with this, his long term goals are to be mentally focused and to be stable in life and to be consistent. Careerwise he is in the process of interviewing for an externship at a Camden business, but would ultimately like to do an apprenticeship as a union carpenter. Although, he added, he would be happy with anything that would allow him to stay connected to Hopeworks.